Feed and grow fish playing as great white shark
Feed and grow fish playing as great white shark

Some of the largest white sharks on record have reached approximately 20 ft. (4.3-4.5 m), with females of the species typically growing larger. They reach an average length of 14-16 ft. White sharks are a slow-growing species and can live up to 70 years or more. Close relatives of the white shark include the salmon shark ( Lamna ditropis), mako sharks ( Isurus spp.), and the porbeagle shark ( Lamna nasus). The white shark ( Carcharodon carcharias) is a member of the Lamnidae family, a group of sharks known for their streamlined shape that makes sharks in this family highly efficient swimmers. What is a White Shark (aka Great White Shark) As the population continues to grow, we are also seeing and tagging more adult white sharks around the offshore islands (Catalina, Northern Channel Islands), Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo Counties. This work began as a collaboration with Monterey Bay Aquarium with the goal of understanding the behavior and environmental preferences of juvenile white sharks. We share this information with lifeguards, regulatory agencies, and the general public in an effort to improve safety for people, while also helping to improve management strategies for this species. The CSULB Shark Lab has been studying the juvenile white sharks found off southern California for 16 years, in an effort to learn more about their behavior, migration patterns, and biology.

feed and grow fish playing as great white shark

Juvenile White Shark Behavior and Biology.Contaminants in Urban Green Sea Turtles.Fish Behavior and Offshore Oil Platforms.Fish Movements and Marine Protected Areas.Respirometry and Bioenergetics of Gamefishes, Sharks and Rays.

Feed and grow fish playing as great white shark